Displaying 241 - 270 of 601 in total

On the Corner of Broadway and Tech with Carla Stickler

In tech there seems to be a trope that the “real” engineers follow the same path, but the reality on the ground is quite different. Carla Stickler, a Software Engineer...

Let Your Backups Help you Sleep with Simon Bennett

Backups matter, or at least they should, and if you’ve ever lost your data, you’d be inclined to agree. Simon Bennett, CEO and Founder of SnapShooter, has found a way ...

At the Head of Community Development with Wesley Faulkner

Previous “Screaming” guest Wesley Faulkner, now the Head of Community at SingleStore, is back to fill us in on his new role! With a history as a developer advocate, We...

Stepping Onto the AWS Commerce Platform with James Greenfield

Corey has been angling to get someone from a particular department at AWS for a long while now. In the halls of AWS one may see “Commerce Platform” on a few of the doo...

Making “Devrelopment” Your Own with Priyanka Vergadia

Periodically Corey speaks with people from various aspects of “Devreloper.” Today’s guest Priyanka Vergadia, Staff Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, provides her own...

Reliability Starts in Cultural Change with Amy Tobey

Corey has been talking to Amy Tobey, Senior Principal Engineer at Equinix, for quite some time! And now they’ve finally sat down for a round of “Screaming.” Amy does a...

Serverless Should be Simple with Tomasz Łakomy

“What if CloudWatch’s web page didn’t suck?” is the question Corey pondered on until he came across Cloudash, which solved it for him. Today’s guest is Tomasz Łakomy, ...

Automating in Pre-Container Times with Michael DeHaan

Once upon a time Docker came out and changed the industry forever, but in the before times we had to manage computer systems ourselves! Now things have changed, and on...

The Magic of Tailscale with Avery Pennarun

Tailscale and its CEO, Avery Pennarun, join Corey today for some extremely exciting news! They have just raised $100 million in a Series B, a significant accomplishmen...

Leading the Cloud Security Pack with Yoav Alon

Corey often has cloud security issues forced up on him, but he isn’t necessarily in the trenches. Today’s guest Yoav Alon, CTO at Orca Security, has been doing the sec...

Interlacing Literature, Academia, and Tech with Kate Holterhoff

RedMonk has been a long time friend of the show and we’re always happy to have their folks on for a round of “Screaming!” Kate Holterhoff is a newly minted analyst, an...

Data Analytics in Real Time with Venkat Venkataramani

When you look at all the colossal blunders that pop up along the way in tech, oftentimes the adverse reaction is to “I’ll build my own database.” Oftentimes the result...

To SQL or noSQL, Why is that the Question with Chris Harris

Couchbase is a database company first, there's no doubt about it, and Chris Harris, VP of Global Field Engineering, is here to tell us how they’re staying the course. ...

Allowing Aspiration to Lead with Tom Totenberg

Senior Solutions Engineer is the job title of today’s guest Tom Totenberg, who comes to us from LaunchDarkly. Despite what at first glance might be a guise for “sales ...

Creating “Quinntainers” with Casey Lee

Casey Lee is the CTO at Gaggle, which actually is saving lives. While loads of companies make the claim, in this case it rings rather true. Gaggle sells software to sc...

The Independent AWS Security Researcher with Scott Piper

Scott Piper, now a Principle Engineer at Block, and firmly established as the independent AWS security researcher, is becoming a regular fixture on the show. Now havin...

Web3 Ain’t All Its Cracked up to Be Molly White

For a while Corey has resisted the “siren’s song” to do an episode on web3. Well, the time has finally come to change that. Today’s guest, software engineer Molly Whit...

The Anti-Entropy Agent with Johnny Podhradsky

Today’s guest is the source of what Corey considers some of the most “horrifying feedback” he has ever gotten from his audience. Namely, that one of his Twitter thread...

Doing DevRel on Easy Mode with Matty Stratton

Corey’s good friend Matt “Matty” Stratton, now a Staff Developer Advocate at Pulumi, is back for another round of “Screaming!” Now, with a job title that sits at the t...

An Honest Approach to Transformative Shifts with Joe Onisick

Corey has admired today’s guest, a “study in contrast,” for a quite a while. Now, Joe Onisick, a Principal at Transformation CONTINUUM, joins the “Screaming” line up. ...

Building a Healthier Sales Environment with Ashleigh Early

Today’s guest works in a world that Corey “got the hell out of” after a brief tenure when he realized he just wasn’t very good at it. That’s why The Duckbill Group hir...

The Multi-Cloud Counterculture with Tim Bray

Today’s guest, rumor has it, might has something to do with the creation of “God’s true language, XML.” Tim Bray, a principal at Textuality Services, and Corey reconne...

Would You Kindly Remind with Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton, VP of Technology at Remind, is here courtesy of Redis, who seem intent on letting us know through their customers the value they bring to the table. Re...

The Demystification of Zero Trust with Philip Griffiths

Networking in AWS has gotten more and more capable over the years, but with it comes considerable complexity. Phillip Griffiths, Head of Business Development at NetFou...

It’s like a HeatWave, Burning in my Heart with Nipun Agarwal

Nipun Agarwal has been a guest before on “Screaming,” but now he has graduated up to Senior VP at Oracle! Which means that Corey can throw harder questions Nipun's dir...

Throwing Houlihans at MongoDB with Rick Houlihan

A year or so before the pandemic hit Corey traveled to Australia for a keynote speech. There he crossed paths with the closing keynote which was delivered by Rick Houl...

The Multi-Colored Brick Road to the Cloud with Rachel Dines

This episode's repeat guest is back, but instead of talking about what she does, she is back to talk about how she got there. Corey is joined by Rachel Dines, Head of ...

Cribl Sharpens the Security Edge with Clint Sharp

Clint Sharp, CEO and co-founder at Cribl, is back for a repetition of “Screaming!” This time Clint is here with some news! But, it isn’t to buy a vowel. Instead it is ...

Diving Duckbill First into the Depths of Data with Alex Rasmussen

Join today’s episode as we say howdy to one of Duckbill Group’s latest hires! Alex Rasmussen, Principal Cloud Economist at Duckbill, whose trajectory into tech is quit...

The Hari Seldon of Third Party Tooling with Aidan Steele

Today’s guest is Aidan Steele, who by day is a Serverless Engineer at Stedi, but by night “he is an absolute treasure and a delight.” Why so? Well he writes fantastic ...

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