Displaying 271 - 300 of 601 in total

Hard Charging Software onto the AWS Marketplace with David Gatti

0x4447 is an independent company that packages software and solutions that is designed to scale “a heck of a lot” more than just a consultancy. David Gatti, a cloud en...

From A to Z in Alphabet’s Soup with Seth Vargo

Seth Vargo, and Engineer at Google, was the third guest ever on “Screaming!” Now, at three hundred plus episodes later, he is back to catch up with Corey. This time ar...

Creating Content that Sells Ideas with Brooke Jamieson

There are good parts to TikTok, despite the crippling nature of existential pondering on ones age that it may induce. One of those good parts is that Corey gets to tal...

Siphoning through the Acronyms with Liz Rice

In house pronunciation habits are a slight annoyance of the industry, so for now when it comes to CNCF, we will stick with spelling it out one letter at a time. We are...

Becoming a Pathfinder in Tech with Emily Kager

For today’s episode we’re going to go off the beaten path a bit. We’re joined by Emily Kager, a Senior Android Engineer at Uber, to talk about the seemingly endless wa...

Into the Year of Documentation with Dr. KellyAnn Fitzpatrick

It is always a good day when you get to chat with any of the fine folks at RedMonk. So, after some polite badgering by Corey, Kelly Fitzpatrick, a Senior Industry Anal...

Commanding the Council of the Lords of Thought with Anna Belak

A few years ago Corey caught wind of the open source project Sysdig, which at the time attracted his attention. Now it has turned into something “rather interesting” w...

Quantum Leaps in Bioinformatics with Lynn Langit

Lynn Langit, CEO of Lynn Langit Consulting, was one of the very first guest on “Screaming,” and now she is back, three hundred plus episodes later! Lynn’s repertoire i...

Communicating What an SDET Actually Is with Sean Corbett

Companies come in many stripes these days, and everybody seems to be a unicorn. But for TheZebra and Sean Corbett, their Senior Software Engineer, this may just be the...

Literally Working in the Cloud(s) with Tyler Slove

For the most part “Screaming in the Cloud” is figurative, but Tyler Slove, Senior Manager or Enterprise Cloud & DevOps at United Airlines, it is sometimes literal. For...

Caylent: From Etymology to Engineering with Randall Hunt

A little over a year ago Randall Hunt, VP of Cloud Strategy and Solutions at Caylent, came on the podcast when he was working at Facebook, and boy was it an eventful d...

Keeping Life on the Internet Friction Free with Jason Frazier

This is a bit unusual for this episode! Our friends at Redis have asked us to interview Jason Frazier, who does not, nor has ever, worked at Redis. Rather, Jason is th...

AWS Services that Age Well with Wayne Duso

Corey caught wind of EFS, or Elastic File System, at his first re:Invent back in 2017. First impressions were not great, but when Wayne Duso, VP of Storage, Edge and D...

Merewif’s Mitigation of Risk with Ana Visneski

Ana Visneski, now founder of Merewif, a crisis communications firm, is back for another run with Corey! For this go around Ana, who as the “Chief Chaos Coordinator,” i...

The Redis Rebrand with Yiftach Shoolman

Toward the end of last year Redis Lab’s went through a shift, and became Redis—sans “Labs.” Yiftach Shoolman, Co-Founder & CTO at Redis, has joined the “Screaming” lin...

How to Investigate the Post-Incident Fallout with Laura Maguire, PhD

It turns out that when it comes to incidents, you can do more than just blowing past them and onto the next one! Laura Maguire, lead of the research program at Jeli.io...

The Proliferation of Ways to Learn with Serena (@shenetworks)

TikTok sensation Serena (@shenetworks) is back again for another round of “Screaming!” Now she is drumming up her Discord presence and the Cisco cert study group that ...

Developing Storage Solutions Before the Rest with AB Periasamay

Conversations about what the cloud is might be an infinitely convoluted one, but some are taking the conversation down paths less traveled. That is certainly the case ...

Tackling Tech Head-On with Natalie Davis

Where does the next generation of cloud engineer come from? The current generation walked a path that may not even exist anymore. So, when Natalie Davis, a Software En...

The Relevancy of Backups with Nancy Wang

“Nobody cares about backups” might ring true in certain circles, and Corey has uttered that line a few times, but there are some who do. Nancy Wang, GM of AWS Backup a...

Walking the Arcane Halls of AWS with Rachel Kelly

Often on “Screaming” we get folks whose careers in tech don’t follow the typical path. This is certainly the case for Rachel Kelly, Senior Infrastructure Engineer at F...

Drawing from the Depths of Experience with Deirdré Straughan

A continual focus here on “Screaming” is to take time to sing the praises of those folks who aptly deserve them, and that we admire. Oftentimes Corey finds them out in...

Learning to Give in the Cloud with Andrew Brown

The tech industry is getting long enough in the teeth that now there are some bonafide old fogeys. Nevertheless there, fortunately, are plenty of younger tech folks ou...

Find, Fix and Eliminate Cloud Vulnerabilities with Shir Tamari and Company

For this episode we’re changing it up a bit. Corey sits down for a group chat with Shir Tamari, Head of Research at Wiz, and a couple of his esteemed colleagues; Nir ...

The re:Invent Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning with Pete Cheslock

Pete Cheslock, Cloud Economist and Duckbill Group alum, sits down with Corey for their annual tradition of re:Invent re:Cap. After 2020’s generally crappy virtual even...

“Cloudash”ing onto Mac with Maciej Winnicki

Figuring out what the hell is going on in the AWS environment can be a head scratcher, on a good day. But, thanks to the earnest work of folks like Maciej Winnicki, Fo...

Slinging CDK Knowledge with Matt Coulter

The keynote speeches at re:Invent are always a gamble, but fortunately this past year Matt Coulter, Technical Architect at Liberty Mutual, performed amply. While today...

GCP’s Many Profundities with Miles Ward

Miles Ward, CTO at SADA, is back! Miles is perhaps the closest thing Google Cloud has to Corey Quinn. With a wit and sharpness at hand, and an entire backup retinue of...

An Enterprise Level View of Cloud Architecture with Levi McCormick

No company names are off limits for some often deserved snark here on “Screaming,” but Jamf pretty much takes care of itself. Levi McCormick, Cloud Architect at Jamf, ...

Fear and Loathing on the re:Invent Show Floor of ‘21 with Aaron Booth

When Corey went to the 2021 re:Invent, Corey made a surprising discovery. One of those was Aaron Booth, Cloud Product Consultant at Embue LTD. Aaron was making his fir...

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