Creating “Quinntainers” with Casey Lee

Casey Lee is the CTO at Gaggle, which actually is saving lives. While loads of companies make the claim, in this case it rings rather true. Gaggle sells software to school districts that use the software to help protect their students by looking for indicators of bullying, self-harm, and a litany of other challenges facing young people in today’s world. Casey expands on the 6 million and growing students that they and their software is working to protect. Corey and Casey also share about their serendipitous encounter at re:Invent. Form helping Gaggle save on their AWS bills, they then dive into Casey’s area of expertise: containers. And at the end of all, they land on “quinntainers” and the 18th way to run containers on AWS.
About Casey
Casey spends his days leveraging AWS to help organizations improve the speed at which they deliver software. With a background in software development, he has spent the past 20 years architecting, building, and supporting software systems for organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 500 enterprises.

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