Data Analytics in Real Time with Venkat Venkataramani

When you look at all the colossal blunders that pop up along the way in tech, oftentimes the adverse reaction is to “I’ll build my own database.” Oftentimes the result is not stellar. For Venkat Venkataramani, CEO of Rockset, the result was quite the opposite. Rockset has been a soaring success for Venkat and his team. Rockset is a real-time analytics platform built for the cloud. Venkat talks about what real-time analytics really means, and the speed and scale that is needed in a data analytics platform to meet that. Venkat discusses how Rockset is tackling the incredible complexity of providing real time data to their customers. Venkat offers some anecdotes about Rockset meeting their customers’ needs, the value real time data brings to a business, and breaks down the technical aspects of working in real time!
About Venkat
Venkat Venkataramani is CEO and co-founder of Rockset. In his role, Venkat helps organizations build, grow and compete with data by making real-time analytics accessible to developers and data teams everywhere. Prior to founding Rockset in 2016, he was an Engineering Director for the Facebook infrastructure team that managed online data services for 1.5 billion users. These systems scaled 1000x during Venkat's eight years at Facebook, serving five billion queries per second at single-digit millisecond latency and five 9's of reliability. Venkat and his team also created and contributed to many noted data technologies and open-source projects, including Facebook's TAO distributed data store, RocksDB, Memcached, MySQL, MongoRocks, and others. Prior to Facebook, Venkat worked on tools to make the Oracle database easier to manage. He has a master’s in computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and bachelor’s in computer science from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.

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