The Future Is Time Series Data with Russ Savage

Russ Savage is the product manager at InfluxData, makers of InfluxDB, the open source time series database. Prior to holding that position, Russ wore many hats in the tech industry, including working as an application engineering team lead at Cask Data, a systems architect at Elastic, a marketing engineer at Box, and a product manager at Orbitz. Join Corey and Russ as they discuss how the evolution of computing power is rendering Hadoop irrelevant, what it’s like selling open source software, what it means to be a “true” open source company, the important role community engagement plays in open source projects, the pros and cons of mutli-cloud, why you might want to monitor events at the nanosecond level, the best use cases for time series data, how time series databases have evolved over time, and more.
About Russ Savage
Russ Savage is a Product Manager at InfluxData where he focuses on enabling DevOps for teams using InfluxDB and the TICK Stack. He has a background in computer engineering and has been focused on various aspects of enterprise data for the past 10 years. Russ has previously worked at Cask Data, Elastic, Box, and Amazon. When Russ is not working at InfluxData, he can be seen speeding down the slopes on a pair of skis.

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