Overcoming Cloud Development Obstacles with Elad Ben-Israel
Corey Quinn talks with Elad Ben-Israel, CEO and Co-founder of Wing Cloud, about the creation of Wing, a revolutionary programming language designed to simplify cloud application development. Elad shares his experiences at AWS and the journey to developing Wing Cloud, highlighting the challenges developers face with existing cloud paradigms and how Wing aims to seamlessly integrate infrastructure and application code. The conversation goes further into Wing's open-source nature, its design philosophy focused on making cloud development more accessible, and the delicate balance between commercial interests and open-source contributions.
Show highlights:
(02:27) - Elad Ben-Israel discusses the motivation behind creating Wing,
(06:28) - Elad presents Wing as a programming language designed to add an architectural dimension to cloud programming
(13:27) - Introduction of the "platform provider" within Wing
(22:18) - The Importance of Choice in Cloud Development
(33:14) - Closing remarks
About Elad Ben-Israel:
Elad has been coding since he remembers himself, which is quite a long time ago, and always had an unexplained attraction to developer tools. He created the AWS CDK when working at AWS and is now the co-founder and CEO of Wing Cloud, which is building Winglang, a programming language for the cloud.
Links Referenced:
- Winglang.io
- Winglang on GitHub - https://github.com/winglang/wing
- Winglang Slack Community - https://winglang.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-23emj8uue-ZF4ijRNtdDOLO5F7iIz~NA#/shared-invite/email
- Elad Ben-Israel on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hackingonstuff/
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