Honeycomb on Observability as Developer Self-Care with Brooke Sargent

Brooke Sargent, Software Engineer at Honeycomb, joins Corey on Screaming in the Cloud to discuss how she fell into the world of observability by adopting Honeycomb. Brooke explains how observability was new to her in her former role, but she quickly found it to enable faster learning and even a form of self care for herself as a developer. Corey and Brooke discuss the differences of working at a large company where observability is a new idea, versus an observability company like Honeycomb. Brooke also reveals the importance of helping people reach a personal understanding of what observability can do for them when trying to introduce it to a company for the first time. 

About Brooke

Brooke Sargent is a Software Engineer at Honeycomb, working on APIs and integrations in the developer ecosystem. She previously worked on IoT devices at Procter and Gamble in both engineering and engineering management roles, which is where she discovered an interest in observability and the impact it can have on engineering teams.

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