Episode 63: DevOps for Dummies with Emily Freeman

Emily Freeman’s book on DevOps is an approachable read for all types, not just techies. As DevOps for Dummies is set to hit the shelves, she sat down to talk to Corey about the process of writing a book, what she learned during that process, and how teams of all types can learn from her insights on management.

About Emily Freeman

Emily Freeman grew up in the “swamp” as Trump lovingly refers to it. With politics in her blood, she chased after her dream of living out an episode of the West Wing. After four years of arguing — pretty much sums up a PoliSci degree — she left school disappointed that campaigns are more about recruiting 20-year-olds to live in poverty than it is to wine and dine Koch brothers.

Her dreams of Aaron Sorkin-level dialogue and Michelin-star dinners dashed, Emily took up ghostwriting. No, those bloggers you read with millions of followers don’t write their own articles. Sorry to disappoint.

After many years of typing, Emily had a slightly-older-than-quarterlife crisis and made the bold (insane?!) choice to switch careers into software engineering. With no experience at all, she packed her six-month-old daughter, blind dog and a few boxes into her anti-mom mobile of a sports car and drove across the country to attend a seven-month code school.

Emily completed seven grueling months of code reviews, pair programming and learning Ruby on Rails. After falling in love with Denver, a city as vibrant as she is, Emily decided to stay.

Emily is the author of DevOps for Dummies and the curator of JavaScript January — a collection of JavaScript articles which attracts 30,000 visitors in the month of January. To learn more about Emily's story, visit Growth in Fear.

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