AWS Services that Age Well with Wayne Duso

Corey caught wind of EFS, or Elastic File System, at his first re:Invent back in 2017. First impressions were not great, but when Wayne Duso, VP of Storage, Edge and Data Governance Services at AWS, reached out with a genuine desire to hear Corey’s two cents—it left an impression. Wayne reflects on Corey’s feedback on EFS in the early days, and how for technologists, input is “one of the most valuable things we can get.” Wayne reflects on the lessons he has learned across the history of EFS, as well as the other earlier services of AWS. Those other services stand as examples and bastions for Wayne to learn from. Wayne's comprehensive view of AWS provides some excellent connective tissue across such a massive entity. Tune in for the conversation!
About Wayne
Professionally, I'm a Vice President at Amazon Web Services (AWS) where I lead a set of businesses delivering cloud infrastructure services. In 2013, I founded and continue to lead the AWS Boston regional development center. I'm an always-curious entrepreneur who is passionate about building innovative teams and businesses that deliver highly disruptive value to customers. I love engaging people who build and deliver customer-obsessed solutions, as well as customers wanting to realize value from those solutions. I hold over 40 patents in distributed and highly-available computer systems, digital video processing, and file systems. Personally, I'm a proud dad to great people, I love to cook and grow things, it relaxes and grounds me, and I cherish finding adventure in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary.


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